Fish ponds with koi carp and other similar kept fish can be hard to monitor and deter potential predators such as herons, cats, racoons or even dogs from getting near it and eating all the fish. Netting only works to a certain point and does not give off any warnings to the intruders, which could, in turn, mean that the animal comes back for another go at your pond of fish. Electric netting is an option that you could explore, however, in most instances a pond electric fence kit is the perfect solution.
Electric fencing can be used around the perimeter of your fish pond and IS effective at deterring herons, cats, raccoons and dogs from getting near the fish. Remember though, that this is not always the case depending on how your pond is setup and the overall layout.
Electric fencing gives off a safe shock that will stop any nuisance animals from going near the water and should put them off coming back later on for another go. A safe shock is given out to anything that touches the wire, though it should not cause any danger to the animals that come in contact with it and isn’t dangerous for humans. Remember though, this is all subject to you setting the fence up correctly and safely.
If you do buy an electric fence kit for your fish pond, you should find that everything you need to install it around the water is provided in the kit. (Put in a colour thing)
Installation is very simple and can be undertaken by anyone. Here’s what’s involved:
- Place the poles or posts into the ground around the pond where you want the wire to run
- Run the electric wire through all the poles or posts that surround the pond
- Put the grounding rod or pin into the ground
- Attach the correct wire to the ground rod and the other to the fence
- Run the wires to the provided charger or energizer
- Give the pond fence a little test if your kit has supplied a tester
Your electric pond fence should now be effective and ready to stop any potential threats from getting near your water and stealing those vulnerable koi carp or other fish.
In saying all this, yes generally electric fences are effective around ponds, but in all cases, there is no guarantee that it will work for every pond owner. Sometimes persistent animals can be crafty and work on ways to get around the electrified fence (though this is very rare) or, it may just be the case that you’ve purchased an ineffective kit that isn’t fit for the job or your pond setup.
Give yourself the best possible chance of protecting your fish by purchasing a quality kit that you know has a track record of protecting fish ponds. The worst thing you could do is buy a cheap, ineffective kit that gives you a false sense of security and costs you fish and money.